Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday Social

I've joined the cool club this week and decided to join in with the Sunday Social,
from Ashley Lately and Neely. So join in!  

1} Top 3 favorite kinds of food.
1. Turkish food, and I mean pretty much any Turkish dish, but specifically lamachun, pide, manti and adana kebab. 
2. Asian food, mainly noodles, thai fishcakes, you get the idea.
3. English stew and dumplings :)
2} First 3 things you do in the morning.
1.Check my calendar on my phone. It takes me 5 mins to determine what day it is and why my alarm has woken me up.
2. Wash, teeth, hair - all bathroom essentials.
3. Take my vitamins with a cup of green or camomile tea.
(Multivitamin, omega 3 capsules and extra folic acid).
3} Last 3 things you do at night.
1. Brush my teeth.
2. Feed the rats.
3. Get an outfit on the side for the morning - I don't like to wake up
the boyfriend if he's still sleeping. 
4} 3 TV shows you NEVER miss.
1. Holby City & Casualty
2. American Horror Story
3. Doctor Who
5} 3 places you want to visit.
1. America. Specifically, California, Arizona and Nevada. Oh, and Hawaaaaiii <3
2. Australia. Probably Sydney / NSW kinda area.
3.Bali, Bora Bora, Bahamas....anywhere exotic and H.O.T!
6} 3 people you can always count on.
1. My Mum. Without a doubt always there for me, and I know I'll never get 
out of my depth with her there to help and guide me. 
2. My Man. Always keeps his word, always thinks of me before himself, and never complains about it.
3. Myself.
  7} 3 things you hope to achieve this year.
1. Graduate and FIND. A. JOB!!!!
2. Hubs finds a job.
3. Start looking into buying a house.

  8} 3 things you're looking forward to.
1. Graduating - no more dissertation, wooooo!!!!
2. Summer. It's my favourite time of year. Lots of BBQ's hopefully!
3. Seeing Derren Brown in April at Pavilions <3 eeeeeeexcited!

Thanks for stopping by! ;)

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