Saturday 1 March 2014

Sunday Social 2/3/14 High School!

 1. What was your biggest middle school fashion mistake? 

Omg. Do we really have to go there?
Can I say pretty much the entire 6th form year?

Probably sporting dark hair. I loved it at the time, but I just looked
like the most depressed emo kid on this planet...! 

Then again, my piercing addiction was pretty gross. 
Thankfully I only kept a few :/


2. Who were your best friends in high school? Pics?

I had a group of friends that always hung around together, but I had 
my main two besties, one of which I still see regularly now :)
This was taken on our last day of school. The theme was Grease.
I'm far left, with my two BFFs far right and second from left. 

3. What was a typical weekend like for you in high school?

I love love loved High School. It was amazing.
But I loved weekends too. Usually my cousin would come
round, and we'd go build a den at the park, walk her dogs, 
or take our scooters or bikes around the park. 
We'd come home, usually have to shower because we made
such a mess, and then we'd play Tony Hawks or Dance Machine on
the Playstation, rent a film from Blockbuster and chill out.  
4. Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends? Tell us about that. 

During High School, I think we all have those silly childish 'we're going out' kind of relationships, but nothing was ever serious. Thinking back to then,
it feels like someone else's life. I only had eyes for James Marsters
5. Did you have any secret codes with your friends? Spill your secrets!

Me and my sister had a secret language. 
I can't remember any of it now but I bet she can!
6. If you could relive one day/moment/experience from middle school or high school, what would it be?

I miss playing hide and seek around the entire school. It was amazing,
we always had so much fun!

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