Sunday 16 March 2014

Sunday Social: 16/03

Hey y'all!

We've had a really good week here! For those of you who don't follow my blog, my boyfriend was seriously ill with guillain barre syndrome, and has been in recovery since last Autumn. But after changing meds, he's doing so much better, and paired with the spring sunshine, it's made for a lovely few days :)

Time for this week's questions!

1. How much time do you spend on Social Media a day? honest
Too much. Way too much. But I use Facebook to keep up with
assignments (we have a few Uni groups to discuss things) and I
probably check Instagram a few times a day.  
I jope maybe now it's getting sunny out, I'll not be stuck inside looking for
things to keep me busy. 

2. How long were you reading blogs before you started a blog?
I got into my friend's blog, and decided now that we were going through the same sort of life changing experiences as she'd blogged about, it might be nice
to do the same. I've kept a diary every year since I was about 11, and I was getting a bit slack, so this was a replacement to writing things down by hand. 

3. What is your favorite kind of cupcake?
Oh wow. I do love any of the cupcakes from Costa! 
Their Sicilian Lemon is amazing. 
But my favourite is probably Gingerbread <3 

4. Do you eat fast food? If so what's your favorite?
No. It's something I used to eat but haven't for so many years now.
If I had to, it'd be Subway - veggie patty, yes please.

5. What is the most random thing someone would find in your purse?
Nothing that's too weird. Probably something of my nephews.
His toys end up in there somehow. 

6. What is the weirdest TV show you watch?
I have to say, I think American Horror Story is pretty weird!
It's one of our favourites, but I don't deny it's a bit odd.
Season 1 was definitely our favourite. I can't wait to find out what S4
will be!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up!

Next week's questions

1. What are the top 3 things you can't go a day without doing?
2. What are 3 things that scare you the most?
3. What are 3 places you want to see before you kick the bucket?
4. What are 3 movies you will always love?
5. What are your 3 favorite current songs?

Have a fabulous Sunday!

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