Saturday 9 November 2013

Sunday Social 10/11: Thanksgiving

Sunday Social

Hey y'all!

This weeks'  are all about Thanksgiving memories!
Here in the UK we don't celebrate it, but 4 days later it happens to be my birthday,
so I'm tweaking this post to talk about my birthday memories instead!
Hope y'all don't mind. ;)

We did actually accidentally celebrate Thanksgiving last year, however, when all my family
had a last minute roast dinner together. It was hilarious, and unexpected, and we still joke
that we 'accidentally celebrated Thanksgiving'. :)

So, here goes...

1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving birthday memory

I remember turning 14 or 15, and getting the very first The Sims game on the PC.
I was super stoked! I also remembering getting a pair of denim (don't judge!) knee boots
for one birthday as a kid, and I loved them so much. 
I think my favourite birthday, though, would be all the years as a kid that my parents threw me fancy dress parties.

Me as Belle and my sister as Robin

2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving birthday food

For the past two years, we've been to eat at Chiquitto - an amazing 
Tex-Mex restaurant. My favourite birthday food is always the meal we have together.
I'm not a huge fan of cake, but my sister always outdoes herself with my birthday cakes!  
3. What is a Thanksgiving birthday tradition you and your family have?

My only tradition is the cake making from my sister which is fairly recent
 (past couple years). Other than that, we don't really have any.

4. Show us a favorite Thanksgiving birthday picture(or 5) from years past.

2012 roller disco

cookie monster cake 2011

2011 chiquittos

2010 my giant pink fondant fancy cake

5. What are you most looking forward to about this Thanksgiving birthday?

We're trying a new restaurant that my parents love, in the beautiful Royal William Yard. 
I'm also excited to see what hubs gets me. He knows me so well, and I don't ever want anything, but he always manages to spoil me somehow ;) 

 So i hope you don't mind my personal take on this week!

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