Saturday 27 July 2013

The Liebster Award

Hello my pretties!

I was recently added to the nominations for this wonderful link-up by the lovely Amanda Rose at Sew Much to Say

I came across the post by chance and loved it. It's so great to 
read link-ups because you learn so much about the blog authors that you might not otherwise know.

This is such a good chance for any new followers to learn a little bit more about me. 

So basically, I'll answer 11 questions from Amanda, then state 11 facts, then I create 11 questions for the people who I nominate to answer. 

The only rule is that the blogs you nominate have to have less than 200 followers - I'm good there! Please keep sharing my blog as I'd love to build-up a little neighbourhood of fellow bloggers.

11 Facts About Me:
1. I just graduated from my 2nd degree, with a 2:1 in Psychology.
2. I want to be a clinical psychologist so I'm hoping to do a Doctorate. Dr. Saira has a nice ring to it, don't you think?!
3. I am half South African.
4. I can speak Turkish (badly).
5. I go abroad every year but I'm not a happy flyer!
6. I love doing yoga most mornings before work.
7. I was brought up on Doctor Who, ergo... geek ;)
8. I have an incredible boyfriend and we're excitedly embarking on the next chapter of our lives - we just bought a house!!!!
9. I am petrified of reservoirs, robots and deep water.
10. I have two pet rats and am about to get a new puppy springer spaniel!
11. I absolutely love Asian and Turkish food and could live off either.

11 Questions from Amanda:

1. What is your favorite season?
 Summer! It's when I can wear flip flops everyday
and keep all the windows open. 

2. If you could move anywhere where would it be?

3. What is your biggest daily challenge?
Getting out of bed! Probably not worrying because
I'm a bit worrier. 

4. If you had a super power what would it be?
Mrs. Not-Worried-About-Anything?
Or flight ;) 

5. What is your favorite color?

6. Favorite book and why?
Anything by Harlan Coben.

7. Biggest pet peeve?
 People who make everything about THEM,
and who are jealous but try and make it seem like they're
not by constantly bigging up their own lives.

Oh, and people who say that they've had such a hard
life and that that somehow makes them stronger/better than you.
Do one. 

8. What is on your bucket list?
Jet ski
Buy a house
 Procreate ;)

9. What is the best date you have ever been on?
The first one with Woody. We knew each other for years before
but never properly. Only a quick hello every now and again.
We sat down at 6pm to order takeout and ended up talking until 11pm 
about life. We realised it was something special straight away.  

10. If you could be one person from the past who would you be?
Wowzers, what a question! I'd love to be Judy Garland
before she went off the rails.  

11. What is your favorite dessert to make?
My Grandma's recipe for lemon pudding. 

She kept this recipe book over the past 60 years,
adding clippings from magazines to her own hand written


 In the middle, was 'Canadian Lemon Pudding'. The best dessert she ever made us as kids, and for my Dad when he was a kid. 

1oz butter
5oz sugar
3oz flour
2 eggs
1 lemon
1/2 pint milk
pinch of salt

Cream the butter and sugar together. Add flour, salt and egg yolks. 
Add lemon rind and juice, then add in the milk. 

Beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold into mixture. 
Pour this into a buttered dish.

Bake at 350  180* for 45 mins, centre oven. 

BEFORE                                        AFTER

 The photo above was my first attempt. Unfortunately I didnt take photos when it actually turned out right!!!
I ended up using about 3 lemons to get a sharper taste the next time, and we used self-raising flour the second time instead of plain which didn't rise well (as you can see). 

So I googled the recipe, and low and behold, GoodFood have 
a modern, similar version of the recipe, and this, my friends, is what it should, and will, look like when you do it properly :)

Report back if you make it!!!!

Next, I have to nominate 11 bloggers:
Do I know 11?!


Here are your 11 questions to answer from me:
1. What is the best present you've ever been given?
2.  If you could tell childhood YOU one tip for your future what would it be?
3. What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
4. Do you have children? Are you planning any?
5. What was your favourite kids tv show?
6. Whats your favourite thing about yourself?
7. What one thing would you change about your life?
8. If you could pick any job what would it be?
9. Do you have any nicknames?
10. What do you enjoy about blogging?
11. What is your favourite meal?

I hope you ladies enjoy answering as much
as I did! 



  1. I'd love to have you guest post your lemon pudding on my blog!

    Amanda Rose

  2. I've never guest-posted before! That would be awesome :) I have an old recipe book my Grandma gave me and there are some amazing recipes in there I keep meaning to share. I'd love to do that for you. Contact me via and I'll send it over! :)

    Saira xo
