Thursday 18 April 2013

Finishing Sentences Link-Up

Hey folks!
I'm coping Ashlea here and joining in with the 'finishing sentences' link-up...

1. I laughed so hard I cried when...
I accidentally poured my boyfriend what I thought was pineapple juice earlier today, only for him to take a huge gulp and realise it was 'World's Hottest Ginger Pop'.... poor thing had to suck on an ice cube! 10 seconds later, my Grandma threw a yogurt across the floor and down her trousers. It was hilarious. 

  2. My high school... let me do trampolining and ice skating for PE. Best ever?!

3. It really pisses me off...when people stop on the yellow chevrons at the end of my street and block the road! It takes me at least 3 changes of the traffic lights sometimes to actually leave the road :'( 

4. In ten years... I will be grateful I waited a little longer to start a family, even when my hormones keep telling me to crack on with it! I'm so thankful to have time to appreciate my man before it becomes all about someone else :)

5. If I could erase one thing...
 money... I hate it. I love it but I hate it. I would erase financial differences. Footballers wouldn't make more than Soldiers. Third world countries would be able to access fresh water and food. We wouldn't tax the poor to pay the rich. 

6. In 1999...I was 12, I started secondary school, and I was OBSESSED with Buffy the Vampire Slayer ;) 

7. Honestly... I really feel like a completely different person than I was 3 years ago.

8. To me, amazing. I love it. 

9. Someone really needs to invent...cryogenic freezing, space travel, time travel, and an alarm clock mat that you have to get out of bed and stand on to turn off. 

10. The first time I drank alcohol... I actually don't remember when it was. I remember the first time I tasted vodka - in the car park of the cinema. It was horrible.

11. The one question I would ask God is... what is the meaning of all this? 

12. Lindsay Lohan... Africa, what happened to you?!

Feel free to link-up and join in :) 

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