Sunday 17 March 2013

Sunday Social: 17th March

Sunday Social
1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
It depends whether I'm working or at uni, but if I have the day off, we like
to curl up on the sofa with the boys and watch movies and cook a warm dinner. 
Much like today :)
2. What is your favorite thing to do on a summer weekend?
Barbeque! Mexican bean burgers and corn cobs, sun, smoothies and 
Jack Johnson on the ipod. Bliss. ;)  
3. What is your favorite spring activity?
Spring cleaning! Is that normal? I love finally being able to open the windows and
air out the house. I definitely make the most of it!
4. What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?
We definitely have our fair share of Winter days in Plymouth, I can assure you! 
When it's just too cold and horrible to venture outside, we usually pop something in the slow cooker, and I'll usually sit on Pinterest looking for inspiration for whatever I feel like making that day, giving my man time to catch up with some man tv shows ;)
5. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer! My feet HATE shoes, and the sooner I can get into flip flops, the better! 
The sun makes people happy and cheerful, and I love going for road trips to places like St. Ives or Wembury, making the most of being able to wear less than the 500 layers that I've been wearing since Christmas! 

6. What is the best birthday you ever had? 
In 2005, me and my best friend Lucy went to Disneyland for our birthdays - there's only 1 day between them and we're the same age. We had an awesome time!

Have a fab Sunday! Feel free to link to your sunday social! 


  1. Oh yes! BBQs!! I can't wait for the weather to be better to do some BBQing!!! And "gatherings" hehe. Goodness, I love the summer!
