Sunday 23 February 2014

Sunday Social: 23/02

Hey y'all! It's so grey here this morning so I'm vegetating on the couch,
watching the Winter Olympics, and browsing Pinterest whilst I wait for
my assignment mark to be emailed to me from uni :) 
So, now's as good a time as any....

1. What is your favorite breakfast food?
I'm not a huge breakfast person. Usually I make a smoothie for the day and have that throughout the morning.
If I'm going to be in uni for a few hours, sometimes I'll have banana 
on toast to fill me up.
Om noms.

2. What is the best way to spend a free day?
Laying around in our onesies, watching Netflix, walking the dog on the moors,
visiting my parents and sister to see my nephew :) 
I can't wait for the summer. I am dying to just spend my days off
in the garden having BBQ's and relaxing!

3. If you had an airline ticket to anywhere in the world, 
where would you go and why?

Bora Bora.

4. You can only leave the house with one thing...what is it?
Oh man. Well, if it's like an emergency, I'd grab my boyfriend who's sleeping in bed!
Knowing him he'd already be out, so I'd grab the dog.
Non-emergency? My phone. I feel naked going anywhere without it.

5. How do you take your coffee?

In a mug. 
I ain't picky!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab the button, and link up!

Have a super Sunday! 


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