Saturday 29 June 2013

July Photo a Day

Here we are again, over half way through the year already!
Lets hope we have some sun this month because everyone
loves happy summery photos.

Don't forget to play along on the Facebook group, or Instagram with #fmsphotoaday.

Here goes!


1. Happiness is…: Share a photo of something that represents 
happiness to you.
Spending the day with my lovely Momma :)

2. Shoes: You know, those things you wear on your feet.
 I bought my first pair of Toms yesterday. So comfy!

3. Cold: In my part of the world it’s winter, so cold is all around. How can you show the cold in a photo?
 Here, we're having a heatwave! It's definitely not cold!
All that's cold about today are our drinks!

  4. Red, white or blue: Pick a colour and share it for Independence Day {in the USA}.
Red strawberries, blueberry bagel and white tea :) 

5. Love: Take a photo that shows love.
 Freud just loves Woody. He's always kissing him
and coming over for a snuggle.

6. Fave smell: What smell do you adore? Coffee? Fresh fruit? Flowers? Show it in a photo.
 I love the smell of popcorn (hubs is the opposite) 
and our favourite scents are Yankee Candles. These are 
burning blocks that melt in a burner. They smell amazing! 

7. Where you are: Show us where you went today.
I worked today. 
This photo is so bad, but basically, today I had to call 999 for 
the first time in my life. 

8. Path: Snap a photo of a path – which could be any kind of surface.
The dry ski slope.
I do love (and miss) snowboarding! 

9. 3 things: Take a photo of any 3 things you like.
I originally took this photo for this promt, but used it above also for
red, white or blue.
3 things for breakfast...

10. Smooth: Find a smooth surface and take a photo.
The smooth surface of the ice rink.

11. I wore this!: What is something you wore today? You could share your whole outfit, or just a small part of it.
Today I wore a baby :P
oh, and my new top/dress. 
I do love lace.
And babies :P 

12. A bad habit: It can be yours or someone else’s habit. Share it.
Coffee. Caffeine. Kahve. Call it what you will.

13. 4 o’clock: Be it 4am or 4pm, share what you’re doing at 4 o’clock.
We had a picnic at the new house :) 

14. Edible: Take a photo of some that you eat or want to eat.
We both fancied quiche, and we both fancied fish.
Half fish, half chorizo quiche, and salad with cheese and apple.
Its too hot to eat much else! 

15. Outside the window: Look through the window and take a photo of what you see.
I'm in the car so this is the windscreen :)

16. Bottle: A bottle is such a simple object, how can you show it in a photo and make it a little interesting?
I'm using two here. 
1. I just loved that the coconut made the 
glass bottle change colour in the light.

2. I love how this came out, considering it was only taken with an iPhone.
I do love a Crabbies once a summer!

17. Inspirational: What’s inspirational to you?
Sounds corny but I'm not inspired easily. I had to use a 
stock photo by a beautiful photographer over at Act Naturally.
My inspiration is my lovely friend Joanna. I can't explain what an inspiration
she's been to me in such a short space, but she's really been the greatest role model I could have asked for.  

18. Number: Look around you, do you see numbers? Take a photo. They could be in signs, on your phone… anywhere.
 My old lab. I do miss working in research but it got a bit
boring after a while!

19. Building: It could be your home, or a big sky-scraper if you’re lucky enough to be in the city. Share a building in a photo.
I left for my holiday today, so the next week of photos are from Turkey!
I used two photos today. The top photo I thought was hilarious - 
this building is a hair salon. Isn't that the BEST name, ever?! 

And this, this is the building with our old apartment in it,
where me and my sister lived in 2009.
It was v. nostalgic :)

20. Hot: Just like the cold prompt, only hot. Will you take a photo of the weather, food, a flame?
My tan! It's super hot today - 38 degrees!
I'm cooking nicely ;) 

21. Fave food: What food do you love? You can indulge today. I’ll let you!
My favourite food here is either an Azda roll (salami, cheese, tomato & lettuce), or sweet chicken from Joseph's restaurant!


22. Grey: Share a photo of something coloured grey.
This was challenging as not much is grey in such a hot country!
However, these grey rocks made a beautiful photo in contrast
to the blue sea and dusky pink sky! 

23. I drew this!: Get creative! Draw something, take a photo and share it.
I dont draw often, so this is my iPhone case which I cross-stitched,
after drawing the outline of a hibiscus flower onto it. 
I definitely need to do another now as it's about 2 years old and
the stitching is coming out :'(

24. D is for…: Show a photo of something starting with the letter D.
The national Turkish DRINK. Ayran. It's like a salty watery yoghurt.
Some people say it's an acquired taste and I tend to agree.
I love it!

25. Ground: Depending on where we live we have different surfaces on the ground; cement, grass, dirt… show us yours.
Today, me and my parents walked from Hisaronu to Kayakoy. 
The walk is a beautiful 45 minute scenic mountain trail.

26. The everyday: The thing that I love about this challenge is that you can see beauty in the ordinary, so look around you, find something that you see most days and capture it in a photo.
For my last entry from Turkey, I'm sharing 3 photos.
We see sunsets every evening, wherever we are. But when do we ever really
stop to appreciate their sheer beauty? 
I am so pleased with these photos! 

27. Black + white: Take a photo in black + white – you could use a filter, or shoot something that actually IS black and white. Up to you!
So glad I don't have to wear this boring black and white 
uniform anymore! 
Hashtag HCA problems! 

28. This is new!: What’s something new in your life? Is it something newly created in your town? A new purchase? A new baby? Snap and share it.

29. Perspective: This is a photography technique.

30. Friendship: This is our charity prompt. Share a photo of friendship.

31. Workspace: Show us your workspace!

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