Friday 16 May 2014

Link up: role models

Ever since I started school at the age of 4, in fact even before that when I attended pre-school, I've only ever spent one year out of education, and that was 2007-8 when I was working full time to pay for a degree. I went from primary school to high school to college, university partner college, to university and can honestly say for every year of my life, I've got something to show for it.
But I would never have made it to this point without the support and guidance from a few specific individuals. It's high time they realised what an impact they have had on my life.

My Mum.

I don't need to write anything really - everyone's mum should be their top role model. But mine is the most selfless, amazing human being I've met. Im so lucky she's not only my mum but one of my best friends and always will be. Her commitment to giving us the best life we could ask for is what makes me strive to do the same for my family. She's the greatest and sorry but my mum's better than yours ;P 

My sister.

As much as we argued through school and clashed with our personalities at times, when I need time out from work or uni and just want to relax, she's my person. Spending time with her is so comfortable, unlike with friends she knows me completely and I her, so there's no trying to show off, nothing. It's just hanging out with someone who is very much like me. She's become a great mum to my nephew and I hope I'm as good as she is when I have babies.

Mrs Crocker.

Mrs Crocker was one of my class teachers in primary school, but she taught me every year for various classes. I don't know, being 11 when I left school, that I ever thanked her for being such a great teacher. I suppose at the time I had nothing to compare it to. But she was. I looked up to her, I thought she was a wonderful person, always smiling and laughing, so when she was strict you knew she meant business and you appreciated that. She will always be my favourite memory of Hyde Park primary school. 

Miss Cheney

Probably the biggest role model during my adolescent years and my whole time at Plymouth High School, Miss Cheney was everything I wanted to be. I remember first seeing her in the classroom when she started working at our school and I thought she was a 6th former - she looked so young! Maybe that's why I looked up to her, but more so, she was a confident and intelligent person. To a shy 14/15 year old, I wanted to emulate that. I used I lag behind after school and chat to her about her car, school work, anything really. I actually looked forward to her lessons - who looks forward to maths, really?! 
I was really sad when she left our school and moved away, but I had learnt so much from her that I was just proud to have known her. 

Katie and Sara

Katie P and Sara R were the two role models for me that really stand out.
During high school, you have an idea of who you are, and look up more to teachers, celebrities and family. But during primary school, there were two girls I was very much influenced by.
Katie P was one of my best friends. She was also the most intelligent, always getting the best grades and praise from the teachers. Whatever she had, I needed. A coat, a bookbag.
Sara R was, in my 4-10 year old opinion, the most popular and prettiest girl in school. And for a while, she was also one of my best friends (you know what primary school is like, you'd all do anything for each other but you switch through cliques daily). She was so so confident, and I always wanted to impress her so that we could be friends.
I noticed in later years how much I'd looked up to these two girls. Katie had made me want to try harder in school, and Sara had made me want to take pride in myself and be a better person. Being the same age, I'm sure they had no intention of being role models, but like the quote says above, you never know who you're inspiring!

The most influential person to come into my adult life has been this beautiful lady and her incredible family. It seems silly to think that someone who I've never met, who lives across the other side of the world from me, could have such an impact.
Through a random photo on Instagram of her gorgeous daughter's nursery, I followed her as she blogged through her wedding, buying her first home, and watched her sweet daughter grow up, soon to be a big sister. Her idyllic lifestyle drew me in and I just wanted it all in my own life. Joanna and her family have brought so much light and positivity into my life through their cute messages, adorable photos and I'm forever grateful for stumbling across that one photo because I just know we're going to be friends for life. 


There are more people who deserve to be mentioned here and in the future probably will be. But whether they realised, meant to, or not...these people helped mould me into the person I am today. Always remember that you might be inspiring someone without even trying. 

Never take people for granted - you're constantly learning from them and they will always leave a mark on your life. 

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