Monday 9 June 2014

Chia Pudding: Mixing it up!

This week I experimented a little with chia pudding flavours.
Up until recently I'd only ever made clean chia pudding (maybe a dash of honey for sweetness), so I decided to mix it up a bit and see what I could come up with.

I started with a simple vanilla pudding. Scraping one whole vanilla pod into the mix was just enough for 1/3 mason jars worth of pudding. Sweet but not sickly, which is why I used natural vanilla as opposed to syrup or essence.

Vanilla chia pudding made with almond milk.
Cherry and blackberry sorbet made with frozen berries and
almond milk.
Granola and frozen berries to finish.

I always have a carton of dark chocolate almond milk which I warm to make hot chocolate every now and again. I omitted the unsweetened plain almond milk for the choc one, but as nice as it was, I'm not a chocolate fan. It tasted very creamy and wasn't suited to a breakfast -  would be good to curb a chocolate craving though! I served it with bananas and strawberries and some granola.

The winning combo came in the form of strawberries and bananas. 
By blending the fruit into the almond milk before soaking the seeds it in, you get the flavour soaking right into the chia seeds. 
Firstly, after making a banana milkshake using almond milk, 2 bananas, spoon of honey and some granola (it was a breakfast smoothie) I poured some into a mason jar and mixed 3 table spoons of chia seeds into it. Banana chia pudding is THE BOMB.
Again, banana goes well with chocolate so I may grate some raw cocoa chocolate over it next time just to try.
But the best combo was strawberry chia pudding (below left)! 6 large strawberries, table spoon of honey, and some almond milk in the blender - I decided to thicken it by adding a banana. 
Soak the seeds for 10 mins and viola! A beautiful pink pudding that's delicious! 
I added some sliced kiwi for a bit of sharpness, and some granola because I'm obsessed ;)

Feel free to add links to your own recipes below! 
Enjoy xo

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