Sunday 27 October 2013

Sunday Social 27/10: Halloween!

Sunday Social

Hey guys :)

I know, I know, it's been another week without a new post. I've been crazy busy with home, uni and work, but I have a few lined up.

Today's questions are all about Halloween!

1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
I can only remember dressing up twice - once as a Scream killer, and once as a dead cheerleader. I loved both :)

2. If you could go back to your childhood and dress up as something, what would it be?

Just like Ashley, I always wanted to be the Pink Power Ranger!!

3. What was your favorite Halloween costume as an adult?
I don't dress up as an adult. I know :( But I don't like going out so who's
going to see it? The last time I dressed up was in 2009... me and my sister were dead school girls.
 Really, we just wanted an excuse to wear converse on a night out.
Thats me on the right :)

4. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
I'm not a huge candy lover, but there are toffee biscuits that came out for halloween and theyre delish!

5. What is your favorite Halloween memory?
Taking in turns to dress as Scream and chase our friends around, 
watching Scream (we were only kids so it was a huge deal!) and trick or treating.

6. What is your favorite scary movie?

I have so many its ridiculous. Scream was my favourite all through high school,
but now there are so many I can't choose!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab the button, and link up!

Next week's questions

1. What is currently on your wish list?
2. Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app that you have recently discovered that we all need.
3. What is a new fall tv show that you have added to your dvr?
4. Share your social media links so we can follow you. (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc) Tell us which is your favorite and why.
5. What is a tv show, movie, or song that you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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