Sunday 5 May 2013

Sunday Social 05/05/13

Sunday Social


Today's questions are all about 4s'!


1. 4 favorite things to do on a weekend
1. Sleep in! Zzzzz
2. Pin and Blog
3. Cook a roast with hubs
4. Snuggle with my pets

2. 4 favorite things about your best friend
1. He loves me for me and vice versa.
2. He is gorgeous.
3. He supports me in anything I do.
4. He warms my pj's before I get home from work at night :)

3. 4 things you would do with $100,000
1. Buy a house 
2. Holiday to Bora Bora
3. Buy a new car
4. Pay off student loan

4. 4 favorite books you've ever read
1. Tell No One - Harlan Coben
2. What your Doctor may not tell you about 
childhood vaccines - Dr. Stephanie Cave
3. Bad Pharma - Ben Goldacre
4. Bad Science - Ben Goldacre

I don't read a lot of fiction, being a student.
It's all about the text books! 

5. 4 favorite snack foods
1. Chopped pear and apple
2. Tesco stem ginger cookies
3. Greek yogurt
4. Gluten-free chocolate coated rice cakes

6. 4 things that you must do daily
1. Check my email
2. Brush my teeth
3. Read the news
4. At the moment... revise!!!!

Don't forget to check in at Ashley's blog
and link-up! 

Saira xo


  1. Stopping by from the link up! i have always wanted to go to Bora Bora!

    1. Hi :) I'll be sure to stop by your blog too.
      I know right - doesn't it look incredible! Little bit
      on the pricey side for me though :(
