Saturday 11 August 2018

Spotlight on Underwater Swims!

πŸŒŸπŸ’§ Spotlight on Underwater Swims! πŸ’§πŸŒŸ

Although only 5% of our lessons focus on underwater swimming, it doesn't mean it's not an important skill for little ones to learn!

Why underwater swims?

Drowning is the 3rd most common cause of accidental death in under 5's in the UK, and children that drown do so because they aren't able to save themselves - be it that they don't know how to, or that they aren't strong enough to. So taking your little ones underwater from the start helps you prepare them for every eventuality.
We start by getting rid of that startle response that overcomes them when they fall into water, through lots of fun splashing into the water! It helps them get used to the sensation of 'falling' into water so if it were to ever happen to them, they aren't startled by it. We then link this to skills such as holding on, moving to a place of safety, and climbing out of the pool. But not only is it a safety skill, toddlers also learn to swim underwater far sooner than on the surface, so helping them feel comfortable and confident swimming underwater makes for a stronger swimmer!

Is it safe?

Babies are super clever - they're born with a gag reflex - a valve at the top of the windpipe that shuts off anytime they're submerged in water, or if water is poured gently onto them. They don't even have to think about it, it happens automatically! What this means is that by pairing skills with words, we can create an association so that baby knows what to expect, and more importantly, can tell us if they don't want to do it! It's always been important for us that underwater swims are baby-centred, meaning that every time we go to do a swim, our teachers make sure your little one is happy to do so! The great thing about their gag reflex is that we can elicit the same response on the surface by popping a little handful of water gently over their face - so if they aren't feeling up to any underwater skills one week, you can still make sure they're learning the skills everyone else is, whilst making sure they're not doing anything they don't want to do 

How do I do it?

With everything you learn in Water Babies, our teachers first explain what we're doing, and why, and then how to do it. We then demonstrate how it should look, before talking you through 1 by 1, so we can give you feedback to make sure baby has the most enjoyable and safest experience with you. You'll never have to wonder if you've done it right or wrong, and as every baby is different, we listen to each baby's cues individually to make sure they're happy as well.

When is baby ready?

Baby's gag reflex is innate, which means it's there from birth. Because of this, there's no evidence to suggest that there's any benefit to waiting to do underwater swims. We start right from your first lesson, and this has never been detrimental to baby's safety or enjoyment in their lesson! Not all of our beginners are newborn babies though - so if your little one is a bit older, there are lots of things we can do to help them feel more comfortable going underwater; blowing bubbles is a great example of this, getting their faces looking down into the water and exhaling! 

Do I have to?

You never have to do anything you aren't comfortable with. As teachers, we won't ever swim babies or toddlers underwater if they're crying, asleep or have hiccups, so if they're otherwise happy, we're happy! But as their parent, if you're happier skipping an underwater skill, never feel as if you have to take part (you'll have plenty of other skills to practice!)

Happy Splashing!

MyBump2Baby Pregnancy to Pre-school Directory

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